community outreach

pink t-shirt fundraiser
Palo Alto Firefighters are proud to join hands with Palo Alto based Bay Area Cancer Connection in their efforts to support community members affected by cancer. Every October, firefighters design and sell t-shirts with 100% of net proceeds benefiting this wonderful charity. If you would like to join us in our efforts, please reach out to us.
Ronald McDonald House
Palo Alto Firefighters have a long history of working with the Ronald McDonald House to bring assistance to the many families that come from across the country when their child is receiving medical care at Lucile Packard Hospital. Our firefighters often come in on their days off to cook for families and children once a month to honor those celebrating birthdays that month.

Movie Night @ The Fire House:
Our most recent community event has been nothing short of a home run with the hundreds of children who have attended one of our station events. Over the course of the year, we'll invite children and their parents to attend a free showing of a movie at the firehouse and we'll combine the entertainment with a public safety message. We aim to have an event at least once a quarter; please check our events tab for more details.
At the Association of Professional Firefighters of Palo Alto, we take pride in reaching out to our community and we do our best to provide for our residents
Please make our endeavor more successful by helping us reach out to more people. Join us in our various causes and subscribe to our newsletter for all the latest updates about our events.